Wednesday 30 April 2014

Postmodern Question Introduction

Postmodernism is a complex theory that relates to multiple forms of media as well as architecture and art. The theory was first formed during what was considered ‘the death of modernism’. Postmodernism is described by postmodern theorist and author of ‘The Postmodern Condition’ Jean-Francois Lyotard as an ‘incredulity towards metanarrative’ meaning as a theory, postmodernism is sceptical of truth claims postmodernity then is in opposition to modernist ideals. Where modernists believe in science, order and strict conventions, postmodernists instead believe in playfulness, irony, the look or surface meaning and embracing of subjectivity and individuality. Media is often described as being postmodern if it adheres to certain conventions. These conventions include; Intertextuality, Hyper-Reality, Parody, Bricolage, and Pastiche. The following case studies have been selected due to their relation to not only these conventions but postmodern theories as a whole. Watchmen (Zack Snyder 2009), LA Noire (Team Bondi and Rockstar Games 2011), and The Simpsons episode; ‘The Dark Knight Court’ (Matt Groening 2013) are all examples of postmodern media due to their relation to the conventions and the theories of postmodernism.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

1-A: Post-Production

After I had finished the production of my own short film and the article and the poster it then became apparent to me that I needed to refine my work in order to achieve the grade that I needed. I started to go back to my research and my planning in order to refresh my ideas that I had at the start. This also helped me to see if I had missed anything that I had previously wanted to implement in my video or my poster. I had to render out my video, in order to make it the best possible quality it could be I had to consult an online guide that helped me with getting the correct render settings. I opted to render it out as a draft first to make sure everything I wanted to be in the video was there and in order to ensure that the video looked as good as it possibly could. I also had to export the other two tasks. These were slightly easier to export and I managed to do it with ease.

1-A: Research and Planning

Research and planning have been key to the production of my short film as they have helped me mould my short film into the ideal product that I wanted it to be. Through research I have managed to see a whole host of short films and from there I have been able to build on it and implement the ideas from those short films that I was fond of into my own project. The research also helped me create my poster and my article as I read loads of articles and looked at many posters in order to get a clear understanding as to what I should be producing if I wanted my own poster and my own article to look like it was professionally made. The planning phase of my project allowed me to gather my ideas that I collected from the research phase and implement them into the ongoing project. This was very helpful as I feel without the planning phase I wouldn’t have been able to implement all of my previously established ideas because I may have forgotten them along the way. I found using the internet and YouTube very helpful when it came to research and planning as it allowed me to watch thousands of videos that could possibly give me ideas relating to my own project.

1-A: Creativity

My short film is very creative as it harnesses different ideas and genres in order to present a hidden message to my audience about their media consumption. The idea of the television head prop came to me when browsing the internet, I then adapted it and created it so it was suitable to be worn by my actor with comfort. Creativity was of the up most importance when I was filming as I needed to make sure that the message was brought across accurately and with a good enough focuses to not blur the entire film. I used creativity in my shot variation as well considering I used many close ups and I then started to play around with the focus of my clips. Creativity was especially relevant when I was creating my poster and my article; I had to think up questions that my actor and I could answer in order to make sure the magazine was still interesting.

1-A: Digital Technology

Throughout this year I have used all manner of digital technologies in order to achieve the standard of coursework I deem acceptable. This has been a particularly interesting task as I’ve had to get to grips with new technology that I had previously no experience with and that has been very difficult. Primarily I had to get used to new program packages such as the Adobe Master Suite which features many of the products that professionals would use in industry, for example; Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe Premiere CS6. I had to harness my previous abilities with the older versions of Photoshop in order to get to an ability level where I can easily create a professional looking poster and article. One tool I found very helpful on Photoshop was the magic wand tool because it removes the backgrounds of you photos allowing you to replace it with a new background or to manipulate images. I also used adobe premiere to make my video the best quality it could possibly be, during the re-arrangement of my clips I found that the razor tool came in very handy because it lets you split clips into two with the press of a mouse button. I also used the camera to film my video, it was the first time I have every used a DSLR and I found it very tricky to get to grips with certain elements because it is very tricky. I used the ISO clicker to find the correct ISO for my video in order to make sure that the lighting looked correct.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

OCR Link